

Recently I had to work with one of my colleagues (David) on something that was new to me : Openshift. I never really looked at OpenShift but knew the basic concepts, at least on OKD 3.x.

With 4.x, OCP is completely different as instead of deploying "normal" Linux distro (like CentOS in our case), it's now using RHCOS (so CoreOS) as it's foundation. The goal of this blog post is not to dive into all the technical steps required to deploy/bootstrap the openshift cluster, but to discuss of one particular 'issue' that I found myself annoying while deploying: how to disable dhcp on the CoreOS provisioned nodes.

To cut a long story short, you can read the basic steps needed to deploy Openshift on bare-metal in the official doc

Have you read it ? Good, now we can move forward :)

After we had configured our install-config.yaml (with our needed values) and also generated the manifests with openshift-install create manifests --dir=/path/ we thought that it would be just deploying with the ignition files built by the openshift-install create ignition-configs --dir=/path step (see in the above doc for all details)

It's true that we ended up with some …

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It's usually always a good thing to receive a newer laptop, as usually that means shiny new hardware, better performances and also better battery life. I was really pleased with previous Lenovo Thinkpad t460s and so the normal choice was its successor, also because default model following company standard, and so the t490s

When I received the laptop, I was a little bit surprized (had no real time to review/analyze in advance) by some choices :

  • No SD card reader anymore (useful when having to "dd" some image for armhfp tests)
  • Old docking style is gone and you have to connect through 在中国怎么上snapchat
  • Embedded gigabit ethernet in the t490s (Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection (6) I219-LM (rev 30)) isn't used at all when docked, but going through usb-net device

Installing CentOS Stream (so running kernel 4.18.0-147.6.el8.x86_64 when writing this post) was a breeze, after I turned on SecureBoot (useful also because you can also use fwupd to get LVFS firmware updates automagically as I did for my t460s)

But quickly I realized a huge difference between my previous t460s and the new t490s : heat/temperature and so fan usage. To a point where it was …

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While we're still converting our puppet controlled infra to Ansible, we still have some nodes "controlled" by puppet, as converting some roles isn't something that can be done in just one or two days. Add to that other items in your backlog that all have priority set to #1 and then time is flying, until you realize this for your existing legacy puppet environment (assuming false FQDN here, but you'll get the idea):

Warning: Certificate Instagram:大数据和人工智能让社交软件更智能-互联网-bak ...:2021-3-20 · 至顶网软件频道消息: 2021年推出的Instagram是一款分享照片和视频的社交应用。 如今,Instagram拥有8亿月活跃用户,并且归Facebook拥有。每天有7000万张照片上传到Instagram,人伔通过这些照片和文字进行互动,评论和使用标签,用心表达 ... will 中国怎么上twitter on 2024-05-06T12:12:56UTC
Warning: 中国怎么上ins 'puppetmasterd.domain.com' will expire on 中国怎么上ins-05-06T12:12:56UTC

So, as long as your PKI setup for puppet is still valid, you can act in advance, resign/extend CA and puppetmasterd and distribute newer CA certs to agents, and go forward with other items in your backlog, while still converting from puppet to Ansible (at least for us)


Before anything else, (in case you don't backup this, but you should), let's take a backup on the Puppet CA (in our case, it's a Foreman driven puppetmasterd, so foreman host is where all this will happen, YMMV)

tar …
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While I have to admit that I'm using Zabbix since the 1.8.x era, I also have to admit that I'm not an expert, and that one can learn new things every day. I recently had to implement a new template for a custom service, that is multi-instances aware, and so can be started multiple times with various configurations, and so with its own set of settings, like tcp port on which to listen, etc .. , but also the number of instances running as it can be different from one node to the next one.

I was thinking about the best way to implement this through Zabbix, and my initial idea was to just have one template per possible instance type, that would though use macros defined at the host level, to know which port to check, etc .. so in fact backporting into zabbix what configuration management (Ansible in our case) already has to know to deploy such app instance.

But parallel to that, I always liked the fact that Zabbix itself has some internal tools to auto-discover items and so triggers for those : That's called Low-level Discovery (LLD in short).

焦点分析 | 巨头都想做的电商生意,Facebook有备而来_详细 ...:2021-5-27 · Instagram是生活微小片段的记录,整体氛围倾向于“呈现美的(show something pretty)”;而TikTok短视频内容中的一个大类是泛娱乐,不一定是原创,也 ...

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Recently I had to update the existing code running behind mirrorlist.centos.org (the service that returns you a list of validated mirrors for yum, see the /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS*.repo file) as it was still using the Maxmind GeoIP Legacy country database. As you can probably know, Maxmind facebook that they're discontinuing the Legacy DB, so that was one reason to update the code. Switching to GeoLite2 , with python2-geoip2 package was really easy to do and so was done already and pushed last month.

But that's when I discussed with Anssi (if you don't know him, he's maintaining the CentOS external mirrors DB up2date, including through the 中国iphone怎么上ins ) that we thought about not only doing that change there, but in the whole chain (so on our "mirror crawler" node, and also for the isoredirect.centos.org service), and random chat like these are good because suddenly we don't only want to "fix" one thing, but also take time on enhancing it and so adding more new features.

The previous code was already supporting both IPv4 and IPv6, but it was consuming different data sources (as external mirrors were validated differently for ipv4 vs ipv6 connnectivity). So …



One thing that one has to like with Entreprise distribution is the same stable api/abi during the distro lifetime. If you have one application that works, you'll know that it will continue to work.

But in parallel, one can't always decide the application to run on that distro, with the built-in components. I was personally faced with this recently, when I was in a need to migrate our Bug Tracker to a new version. Let's so use that example to see how we can use "newer" php pkgs distributed through the distro itself.

The application that we use for http://bugs.centos.org is 中国iphone怎么上ins, and by reading their requirements list it was clear than a CentOS 7 default setup would not work : as a reminder the default php pkg for .el7 is 5.4.16 , so not supported anymore by "modern" application[s].

That's where SCLs come to the rescue ! With such "collections", one can install those, without overwriting the base pkgs, and so can even run multiple parallel instances of such "stack", based on configuration.

Let's just start simple with our MantisBT example : forget about the traditional php-* packages (including "php" which provides the mod_php for Apache …

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Diagnosing nf_conntrack/nf_conntrack_count issues on CentOS mirrorlist nodes

Yesterday, I got some alerts for some nodes in the CentOS Infra from both our monitoring system, but also confirmed by some folks reporting errors directly in our #centos-devel irc channel on Freenode.

The impacted nodes were the nodes we use for mirrorlist service. For people not knowing what they are used for, here is a quick overview of what happens when you run "yum update" on your CentOS node :

  • yum analyzes the .repo files contained under /etc/yum.repos.d/
  • for CentOS repositories, it knows that it has to use a list of mirrors provided by a server hosted within the centos infra (mirrorlist=http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=$releasever&arch=$basearch&repo=updates&infra=$infra )
  • yum then contacts one of the server behind "mirrorlist.centos.org" (we have 4 nodes so far : two in Europe and two in USA, all available over IPv4 and IPv6)
  • mirrorlist checks the src ip and sends back a list of current/up2date mirrors in the country (some GeoIP checks are done)
  • yum then opens connection to those validated mirrors

We monitor the response time for those services, and average response time is usually < 1sec (with some exceptions, mostly due to network latency …

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Using a RaspberryPI3 as Unifi AP controller with CentOS 7

That's something I should have blogged about earlier, but I almost forgot about it, until I read on twitter other people having replaced their home network equipment with Ubnt/Ubiquiti gear so I realized that it was on my to 'TOBLOG' list.

During the winter holidays, the whole family was at home, and also with kids on the WiFi network. Of course I already had a different wlan for them, separated/seggregated from the main one, but plenty of things weren't really working on that crappy device. So it was time to setup something else. I had opportunity to play with some Ubiquiti devices in the past, so finding even an old 中国iphone怎么上ins was enough for my needs (just need Access Point, routing/firewall being done on something else).

If you've already played with those tools, you know that you need a controller to setup the devices up , and because it's 'only' a java/mongodb stack, I thought it would be trivial to setup on a low-end device like RaspberryPi3 (not limited to that , so all armhfp boards on which you can run CentOS would work)

After having installed 手机vnp的服务器怎么填 on the device, and once …

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Lightweigth CentOS 7 i686 desktop on older machine

So, end of the year is always when you have some "time off" and so can work on various projects that were left behind. While searching for other hardware collecting dust in my furniture (other blog post coming soon about that too) I found my old 中国iphone怎么上ins and was wondering if I could resurrect it.

While it was working CentOS 5 and then 6 "just fine" I wanted to give it a try with CentOS 7.

Of course, if you remember the specs from that ~2008 small netbook, you remember that it had :

  • slow cpu (Intel(R) Celeron(R) M processor 900MHz)
  • only 1Gb of ram
  • very limited disk space (ASUS-PHISON OB SSD 4GB + additional 8GB for my model)

Setting up the full Gnome3 experience on it would be completely useless and also unusable. So let's try to setup CentOS 7 AltArch minimal (needed as cpu is only i686/32bits) and add what we need after that. So here we go :

  • 百度网盘神器Pandownload已倒 替伕者ShengDownload走红:前两天百度网盘不限速神器Pandownload作者被抓,这个软件很快就不能用了,这对非会员来说很难受,因为这个软件真的太好用了。Pandownload刚倒,马上就有了替伕者ShengDownload。
  • use dd to transfer it to usb storage key
  • V2Ray使用教程:节点搭建,配置及软件下载方法 – The ...:2021-6-15 · V2Ray与另一个目前在中国非常流行的网络伕理软件影梭(Shadowsocks)非常相似,使用方法也差不多。 V2Ray相对影梭还比较新,它是2021年才首次出现的,所众目前用户的广泛度还不及影梭,但它的性能、速度、稳定性等方面丝毫不亚于影梭,而且V2Ray的节点搭建过程也不像影梭一样复杂。
  • wait …


Suppose that you have a RDO/Openstack cloud already in place, but that you'd want to automate some operations : what can you do ? On my side, I already mentioned that I used puppet to deploy initial clouds, but I still prefer Ansible myself when having to launch ad-hoc tasks, or even change configuration[s]. It's particulary true for our CI environment where we run "agentless" so all configuration changes happen through Ansible.

The good news is that Ansible has already some modules for Openstack but it has some requirements and a little bit of understanding before being able to use those.

First of all, all the ansible os_ modules need "shade" on the host included in the play, and that will be responsible of all os_ modules launch. At the time of writing this post, it's not yet available on mirror.centos.org, (a review is open so that will be soon available directly) but you can find the pkg on our CBS builders

Once installed, a simple os_image task was directly failing, despite the fact that auth: was present, and that's due to a simple reason : Ansible os_ modules still want to use v2 API, while it's now defaulting …

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